USM Haller

The pioneer specializing in crafting versatile modular cabinet solutions in high-quality interior design. Explore the world of USM, where timeless quality and innovative interior design come together to create unique cabinets that transform your spaces.

The story of USM is one that began in 1885 and has since been carried forward as a Swiss family business. This historical journey reflects a deep-rooted commitment to innovation, undisputed quality, and timeless style. It's a story that starts with a family but evolves into much more than that.

Making places work

The motto "Making places work" may seem simple, but in a time of constant change, it can be a challenge. USM embraces this challenge with creativity as an integral part of their identity. For over 55 years, they have used modularity to meet constantly evolving needs, offering flexible solutions for versatile, hybrid spaces. USM furniture can always be adapted and enriched by the modular elements from which it is composed.

"Making places home" is a crucial aspect of USM's DNA. Home is our personal sanctuary, reflecting our lifestyle, values, and everything meaningful to us. As our lives and preferences evolve, our home evolves with us, always in harmony with our current needs.


Step into the world of sustainability and timeless design with our customizable cabinet system. With its flexible configuration, this system not only accommodates change but also promises endless longevity due to its excellent quality. Discover a piece of furniture that not only meets all your needs today but also in the future, thanks to its modular construction.

Beyond creating exceptional products, USM places great emphasis on minimizing the environmental impact of their collection. This commitment has earned them prestigious certifications such as the Greenguard Chemical and Particle Emissions Certification.

USM's service extends from the initial contact and design to on-site installation. We collaborate with you to design customized furniture, craft it to perfection, and deliver it according to your wishes and schedule. If you ever require reconfiguration or additions, we are ready to make it happen.

Visit our showroom or check our opening hours